Workshop 3: Tarikh Zinder: Editing, Translation and Annotations

After the publication of the history of Sinder and the interest shown in local and social history, we chose to continue our research on the same theme, this time focusing on the history of Zinder. The manuscript entitled “Tarikh Zinder” ( ضياء النيجر من تاريخ زندر ) is a manuscript written in Arabic (Tanoudi Ibn al-Boukhari Ibn al-ajal al-Timbukti al-agadassi) on the history of Zinder (Niger). This is Manuscript No. 37 of Volume 1 in the catalogue of manuscripts hosted by the Department of Arabic and Ajami Manuscripts of the Institute for Research in Human Sciences at Abdou Moumouni University in Niger. The incipit begins with a Basmala, a eulogy. Start of text:
…يا بني إن زندر في زمن قديم كان ذات أشجار و وديان و لكن سأخبرك ببدء الأمر إلى منتهاها… ،
End of text:
و هذا ما أنعم الله عليّ و قدر لي ما أطيق انتهى… الحمد لله رب العالمين ثم الصلاة والسلام على سيدنا محمد وآله و صحبه و سلّم. أصب الصباح ركب مصطى
Histoire de Zinder explores the social history of the Zinder region in the 19th Century, in the very beginnings of colonisation, and particularly the history of the sultanate, its socio-political organisation and its relations with the other sultanates. The manuscript evokes the arrival of the French under the Cazémajou mission in charge of reconnoitring the Say-Barruwa line up to Lake Chad, and the circumstances of Cazémajou’s death.

Instructor: Seyni Moumouni, Director of the Institute of Research in the Human Sciences (I.R.S.H.) – Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger
(Workshop Recording – Original)    (Workshop Recording – English Interpretation)